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  • Writer's pictureKelly Major

5 Ways to Promote Your Corporate Event

Not all events have distinct audiences. If you are hosting an event for the purpose of brand exposure, you may need to source some ways to organically promote your event and gather attendees. Without pouring money into ads, there are many creative ways you and get exposure for your event. Here are a few:

Event Branding

Powerful Graphics

Whether you promote your event digitally or through hardcopy signage, having impactful graphics can be extremely important in your brand story. Not only will they draw their eye in and attract interest, it can start a brand recognition from the initial ad to the event itself.

Social Media

In the age of social media, you cannot host an event you are looking for public attendance from without sharing on your platforms. Not only will it target your followers, you can leverage hashtags to reach audiences interested in similar topics.

Keynote Speaker

Keynote speakers, especially ones with a strong public interest or impact can bring in more attendees. In addition to attracting interest in their persona, you can leverage their following for cross promotions and appeal to their audiences.

Keynote Speaker

Increase Anticipation

Trickling teasers to draw anticipation is a great way to create buzz around the event. Dripping information out in small pieces such as new speakers, menu items, entertainment etc, are things that can increase awareness. Everyone loves feeling like they are getting a sneak peek!

Opportunity for Involvement

Including a way for guests to participate or win something before the event can help increase the amount of people who attend. A raffle or contest are great ways to get people invested in showing up for your event.


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